Sunday, March 22, 2009

New skills, new solutions

In its-self, this is not particularly interesting or clever, but it wasnt until I was tidying up after a days work on making my welding trolley that I had a sudden realisation just how the world had changed for me.
Now that I have a degree of skill to weld metal together (though I still have a lot of practice to do be be anywhere near good) and now that I have the equipment to do so, my world has changed - or rather my world has expanded - as if Ive just opened a door in my life that until now has been locked.
This little jig is neither clever or interesting - but it is an illustration of how my mind can now explore solutions that until now werent available to me.
I needed to bend some 50mmx3mm flat strip into an odd shaped bracket - before i had the facilities to weld I would have crudely bashed the metal into shape in the vice, but now that I have welding available to help me solve problems, without even thinking about it, I simply made a little bending jig, and 30 minutes later, I had a device that could create far more accurate (and a darn sight quieter) bends and shapes
As I say it wasnt until the end of the day that I realised just how much the acquisition of a new skill (and tools) can shift (or widen) your approach to solving problems...... I wonder how this trike might progress if I were to take a course on embrodery?