Sunday, February 10, 2013

She Rolls!

Can you imagine how exciting it is to see your idea come to life as a real rolling chassis?
This engine, rear axel and front forks have all been bolted to my kitchen worktop jig for more than 5 years! gathering dust in my garage and buried under other projects.  And it was quite a strange feeling when we all finally agreed that she was tacked/welded together enough to release her from the jig.

With the aid of Jo's overhead lifting gear, she rose like a phoenix as one solid and complete vehicle.  It was a momentous occasion.  And then, there she was.... on her own 3 wheels.  And I could push her back and forth.
We all took turns to sit on the seat (balanced on a plank of wood) to make "vroom vroom" noises

Note - those pipes sticking out the back of the frame - they're all going to be chopped right back - I want that diff very exposed!

It was getting late in the day, and we had lots of tidying up to do yet, so there wasn't much time for self congratulations, and I quickly stripped everything off the frame so that Jo could (at his leisure over the next week or so) weld up the bits that we couldn't get to while the engine was in place.

For interest sake, the frame weighs 36 kilos (it will change a bit as i cut the tube ends off and add pedal brakets etc

We set about tidying jo's workshop up.  I was going to throw the kitchen top jig away, but Hugh suggested keeping it...... just in case he fancied making a trike too!  And who wouldn't? it is a beautiful looking thing :-)

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