I sometimes get a bit mind locked when im working on exciting projects - i see a challenge, explore various solutions and then from those solutions make a choice about a plan of action. All very well, but only if you've explored ALL the solutions. If you've only got half a dozen mediocre solutions to choose from, you could find yourself implementing a bit of a soggy idea.
So it is with great thanks to TVOR and Hughie that I felt rather satisfied with my efforts today.
TVORs thoughts in an earlier posting about using the existing forks as a way of jigging the headstock is of course the genius way to do this. You can see from the photo, that its quite a simple job done like this.
And Hughie came over on his Harley to see how progress was going. We spent a jolly good time in the garage with various lengths of pipe insulation exploring the ways in which the frame could lay out. Once again i was especially stuck on the bit of frame that will go round and over the back of the engine - which in hindsight seems trivial, but i simply couldnt see any alternative to my mediocre solution - until Hughie said with a bit of bent foam pipe in hand "well why dont you do this?" - no point describing the idea here, its not particularly interesting to the reader, but for me it was another moment of clearing the log jam in my head.
We also explored the petrol tank - i havent been very happy with the look and feel of the petrol tank that ive got - it just doesn't fit sweetly with my vision... and so petrol tank ideas are starting to develop - more on that later.
All in all, im getting close to having to commit to buying some frame tubing (which by the way, both Hughie and I are agreeing on as looking rather nice in a phat I.D.) - just got to decide on the method of tieing the frame to the rear axle - but thats a whole new blog post
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