Tuesday, July 06, 2010


For those who might be interested here are some recent stats....
From the moment of shotblasting the frame (ie not including any time or money spent up until that moment), I have;
- spent 45 hours cutting and welding
- consumed 10 meters of welding rod
- consumed £40 of argon gas (i have got to get a better gas bottle and fill method. Current method is cheap for infrequent jobs but expensive for bigger jobs)
- ground away 1/4 of a tungsten tip
- removed nearly 2.5 kg of rust metal - presumably Ive replaced at least that much
- spent £52 on floor pan and replacement sheet metal

1 comment:

TRVOR said...

Good to see you are keeping track of both time and costs. It would be nice to add in the peripheral costs e.g. training course, helmet steel sheet. Good to see the complete cost then you have to deduct a value of all the fun you had doing the project. I usually find things balance out.
One word of advice, don't show your wife. Wives are not very good at "creative accounting".