Saturday, January 20, 2007

Peddle Design Thoughts

I think im going to have to shorten the peddles so that i can raise them from the tarmac, and if i work the angle so that i can close the triangle (ie put the peddle pivot point closer to the pivot of my foot) I might have a basic design that could work
Couple of things to consider 1) Shorter peddles will mean less leverage, and consequently require greater pushing effort - remember no brake servo or hydraulic clutch luxuries here! and 2) I think (ive been trying this out in my car) that a considerable amount of driver movement when operating brakes and clutches is not necessarily in ankle pivot, but more in leg movement.
Ive got some measurements and calculations to do to wokr out the required movement to disengage clutch and apply proper breaking

Another point i notice i will have to include is somewhere to rest my feet while they arent doing anything. And ideally i wouldnt have running boards - i'd prefer bike pegs, but i cant for the life of me work out how bikers actually keep their feet on them. maybe I will have to have a sit on Hughies bike and get a sense of what happens naturally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that there will be some suspension movementat the front forks which will lower the bottom of the peddles towards the tarmac. At least you don't have to consider what happens when you lean to go round a corner a per motorbike. I would not be too afraid of modifying/making new the peddles if it makes the job easier nd the cost should be peanuts.

The foot rests are interesting. Not too difficult because yousit more above them and so your feet don't want to slip off all the time. With the trike your lmore horizontal. Could you combine a peg and some form of simple heel loop such that you foot rests on the peg but you heel is supported from below. If you kept this simple it would not be too intrusive.