Saturday, October 16, 2010

And then what?

Its Saturday, the sun is shining and Ive got nothing other to do until 6:00pm tonight.  Today is MY day.  My day in the garage :-)
Most bits are now fitted to the scooter, so after soldering up the wires that I had to cut in order to strip the rear side panels,  I titted around with various nothing bits until I had to face it; Im going to have to see if it starts.

Ive moaned already about the size of my garage, so I wont do it again now but suffice to say, there was no way I could even kick start the thing in the space that I'd built myself into and so I resolved to tidy the garage up.  Everything came out - including the Trike on its jig (yes! you remember the Trike? its still there and not forgotten).  I managed to throw some junk out (including the old rusted floor that I so wanted to keep for posterity until Hugh woke me up and I realised 'Why?') and at last I had some clear working space and access in and out of the front garage door - which I am going to need if Im going to use this scooter as a regular mode of transport

Again, I managed to find lots of fiddly bits to do to distract me from actually kicking it over - why was I avoiding this?  Finally however, i could delay no longer.  I checked the spark - yes, a good one, Fuel tap to "Aperto", Ignition on,  Kick - 1, 2, 3 - She Started!
I was delighted that she started so easily - all electrics seem to be ok - fantastic :-D
....... ooh hang on!....

....What the hell is all that noise? I drove it round in a circle outside the house - the clutch and gears seem to be ok (though there is still some fine cable adjustment to be done), but it sounds terrible.  A real clunking / clattering sound from the engine, and its blowing white smoke.  I remember it blowing smoke when I first started it a few months ago, but i dont remember the clattering.  I have to guess that the auto oil lubrication is working ok, but I thought I would check the gear oil (even though the noise isnt a gearbox noise).  Now, Ive never checked the gearbox oil - there was no need really until now - and I was surprised at how empty it was - 3/4 pint?
I started her up again - OMGosh - white smoke everywhere, and still clattering.
I switched off, tidied up and came in doors to write this blog.  I think this is my way of walking away from the problem to 'incubate' on it.
Clearly there is a big difference between "Starting" and "Running".  And a big difference between "Running" and "Running well"

So this is where I am at - Scooter is pretty well complete now - why Ive even fitted the mirrors and twist grips!  But it clearly isnt a runner.  My first guess is the crankshaft is, well, 'shafted'.  Im guessing the seals are gone and this is where all the gearbox oil has disappeared to - out through the exhaust in the form of thick white smoke.  And so I am starting to accept, that maybe this project isnt quite over yet - i can see an engine rebuild coming on.

1 comment:

TVOR said...

I think it looks great. I can't believe that you have managed to get it looking so good so quickly. Well done. I think you are going to be a hard act to follow.

Interesting that when you first started the engine it sounded OK. It was only as you ran it did the rattle start. At first I thought it sounded like an exhaust leak but I have to say it does sound a bit mechanical. Why should the crank suddenly decide to go? |After all you have driven it up and down the road without a problem all be it a bit rough. I couldn't see the white smoke you spoke of, perhaps that came later.
So it's on to engine rebuild, may be. Don't give up, treat it as another adventure and think of all the nice people you will meet on the way.