Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One Job a Day

A retired neighbour told me the other day that you know when you are getting old when you are content with doing "one job a day" - he was talking about; going to the post-office, washing the car, phoning the doctor etc, but this made me think about this scooter.
Just recently Ive been trying to get lots of things crammed into my day and it would be very easy to simply let the scooter drop off my list of things to do - and so Ive been trying very hard to get an hour or maybe two in each day to keep progress - and the way ive been working is to have a plan for "one job a day" - i usually work out what the next step is while I am in bed each night
So bit by bit - in baby steps, I manage to keep the momentum - Even today when Ive got a lousy cold and would much rather be indoors watching black and white film with a cup of lemsip - I just know though that if i were to not press on, i would kick myself when Im well again for not keeping the pace up, even if it is just one job a day.

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